Index for surnames beginning with r (Descendancy Pages)
[Rose, Cinthy ] - [Rutherford, Melody Ann ]

For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.


[R., Mary ] - [Rose, Christopher C. ]
[Rose, Cinthy ] - [Rutherford, Melody Ann ]

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Rose, Cinthy {I1164} (b. 1850 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Elizabeth-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Clara J. {I1107} (b. MAR 1881 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Teague) , (Rawlings-Rawlings) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Claude {I2123} (b. MAR 1891) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Cynthia {I1081} (b. 1856) , (Rose)
Rose, Danny Keith {I1419} (b. Private) , (Alford-Eads) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Price-Dunn) , (Kelly-Mills) , (B-B) , (Eads-Susannah) , (Harrod-Mills) , (Gay-Gay) , (Tyler-Tyler) , (Gardiner) , (Tyler-Joan) , (Dunn-Dunham) , (Hickman-Noland) , (Brister-Thomson) , (M.-Flatt) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Hockaday-Mary)
Rose, David {I1425} (b. Private) , (Alford-Eads) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Price-Dunn) , (Kelly-Mills) , (B-B) , (Eads-Susannah) , (Harrod-Mills) , (Gay-Gay) , (Tyler-Tyler) , (Gardiner) , (Tyler-Joan) , (Dunn-Dunham) , (Hickman-Noland) , (Brister-Thomson) , (M.-Flatt) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Hockaday-Mary)
Rose, David {I1061} (b. 1833 - d. 1873) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, David Lee {I1841} (b. APR 1872 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, David Thomas {I1847} (b. 19 JUN 1899 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Dawn Dee {I1429} (b. Private) , (Alford-Eads) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Price-Dunn) , (Kelly-Mills) , (B-B) , (Eads-Susannah) , (Harrod-Mills) , (Gay-Gay) , (Tyler-Tyler) , (Gardiner) , (Tyler-Joan) , (Dunn-Dunham) , (Hickman-Noland) , (Brister-Thomson) , (M.-Flatt) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Hockaday-Mary)
Rose, Debbie {I1412} (b. Private) , (Alford-Eads) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Price-Dunn) , (Kelly-Mills) , (B-B) , (Eads-Susannah) , (Harrod-Mills) , (Gay-Gay) , (Tyler-Tyler) , (Gardiner) , (Tyler-Joan) , (Dunn-Dunham) , (Hickman-Noland) , (Brister-Thomson) , (M.-Flatt) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Hockaday-Mary)
Rose, Dock {I1803} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Dollie {I1125} (b. MAR 1896 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Wright-Nail) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Dolly {I1801} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Donald Dean {I1374} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Hise-Whitley) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Donald Ray {I1218} (b. --Not Shown--) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Morris-Ballard) , (Page-Tomlinson) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Phillips) , (Smith) , (Barber-Dicey) , (Baker) , (Bledsoe-Bledsoe) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Douglas Fonzo {I1229} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Hise-Whitley) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Dwain Mason {I1363} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Hise-Whitley) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Dwelley {I1751} (b. ABT 1870 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Morris-Alexander) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Dwellie Hezekiah {I1028} (b. OCT 1840 - d. 16 AUG 1926) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Dwelly D. {I0855} (b. 27 OCT 1884 - d. 6 JUN 1885) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Dwelly Vernon {I1227} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Hise-Whitley) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Edgar Leon {I1286} (b. 24 OCT 1935 - d. 4 NOV 1993) , (Alford-Eads) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Price-Dunn) , (Kelly-Mills) , (B-B) , (Eads-Susannah) , (Harrod-Mills) , (Gay-Gay) , (Tyler-Tyler) , (Gardiner) , (Tyler-Joan) , (Dunn-Dunham) , (Hickman-Noland) , (Brister-Thomson) , (M.-Flatt) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Hockaday-Mary)
Rose, Elizabeth Ann {I1538} (b. 1840 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Elizabeth Mary lda {I1055} (b. 17 FEB 1844) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Teague) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Emily Belsora {I1237} (b. 21 OCT 1855 - d. 17 MAY 1943) , (Rose)
Rose, Emily Jane M. {I1033} (b. 1835 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Cate-Wilhite) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Ezra {I1018} (b. ABT 1814 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Frances {I5854} , (Rose)
Rose, Frances E. {I1514} (b. 1849 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Francis {I1171} (b. ABT 1775 - d. ABT 1837) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Francis M. {I1177} (b. 1798 - d. OCT 1852) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Francis Marion {I1529} (b. 23 OCT 1840 - d. 5 OCT 1874) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Teague) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, George Jackson {I1168} (b. 13 MAR 1870 - d. 20 JUN 1926) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, George L. {I1110} (b. OCT 1888 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Teague) , (Rawlings-Rawlings) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, George Nelson {I1848} (b. 6 MAY 1902 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, George W. {I1515} (b. 1852 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Henry {I0770} (b. 1820 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Henry {I1438} , (Rose-Wright)
Rose, Hezekiah {I1016} (b. UNKNOWN - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Hulan {I1289} (b. Private) , (Alford-Eads) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Price-Dunn) , (Kelly-Mills) , (B-B) , (Eads-Susannah) , (Harrod-Mills) , (Gay-Gay) , (Tyler-Tyler) , (Gardiner) , (Tyler-Joan) , (Dunn-Dunham) , (Hickman-Noland) , (Brister-Thomson) , (M.-Flatt) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Hockaday-Mary)
Rose, Humphrey Posey {I1017} (b. 28 DEC 1815 - d. 7 DEC 1877) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Humphrey Posey Jr {I1054} (b. 11 MAR 1842 - d. 30 DEC 1895) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Teague) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Isaac Jefferson {I1086} (b. 1872 - d. 4 JUL 1966) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Morris-Alexander) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Isbella J. {I1094} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Cate-Wilhite) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Jack B. Ray {I0022} (b. 3 MAR 1923 - d. 15 AUG 2001) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Morris-Ballard) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Barber-Dicey) , (Baker) , (Bledsoe-Bledsoe) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Jacqueline Lavern {I1292} (b. --Not Shown--) , (Alford-Eads) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Price-Dunn) , (Kelly-Mills) , (B-B) , (Eads-Susannah) , (Harrod-Mills) , (Gay-Gay) , (Tyler-Tyler) , (Gardiner) , (Tyler-Joan) , (Dunn-Dunham) , (Hickman-Noland) , (Brister-Thomson) , (M.-Flatt) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Hockaday-Mary)
Rose, James {I1802} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, James {I1264} (b. 1855 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, James Byron {I1188} (b. 7 NOV 1887 - d. 31 AUG 1926) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, James Claude {I0374} (b. 17 MAR 1891 - d. 3 NOV 1967) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, James D. {I1290} (b. Private) , (Alford-Eads) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Price-Dunn) , (Kelly-Mills) , (B-B) , (Eads-Susannah) , (Harrod-Mills) , (Gay-Gay) , (Tyler-Tyler) , (Gardiner) , (Tyler-Joan) , (Dunn-Dunham) , (Hickman-Noland) , (Brister-Thomson) , (M.-Flatt) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Hockaday-Mary)
Rose, James Edgar {I0018} (b. 15 JUN 1910 - d. 8 AUG 1986) , (Alford-Eads) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Price-Dunn) , (Kelly-Mills) , (B-B) , (Eads-Susannah) , (Harrod-Mills) , (Gay-Gay) , (Tyler-Tyler) , (Gardiner) , (Tyler-Joan) , (Dunn-Dunham) , (Hickman-Noland) , (Brister-Thomson) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Hockaday-Mary)
Rose, James H. {I0029} (b. MAY 1836 - d. 20 JAN 1864) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, James Jackson {I1844} (b. 22 JAN 1891 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, James Russell {I1420} (b. Private) , (Alford-Eads) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Price-Dunn) , (Kelly-Mills) , (B-B) , (Eads-Susannah) , (Harrod-Mills) , (Gay-Gay) , (Tyler-Tyler) , (Gardiner) , (Tyler-Joan) , (Dunn-Dunham) , (Hickman-Noland) , (Brister-Thomson) , (M.-Flatt) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Hockaday-Mary)
Rose, James Washington {I1167} (b. 1868 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Jane {I1541} (b. 1855 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Jane {I1294} (b. ABT 1651 - d. BEF 5 JAN 1686) , (Rose-Wright)
Rose, Jeanie {I1414} (b. Private) , (Alford-Eads) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Price-Dunn) , (Kelly-Mills) , (B-B) , (Eads-Susannah) , (Harrod-Mills) , (Gay-Gay) , (Tyler-Tyler) , (Gardiner) , (Tyler-Joan) , (Dunn-Dunham) , (Hickman-Noland) , (Brister-Thomson) , (M.-Flatt) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Hockaday-Mary)
Rose, Jennifer Leigh {I1221} (b. --Not Shown--) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Morris-Ballard) , (Page-Tomlinson) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Durkee-Hill) , (Todd-Todd) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Phillips) , (Cooper-Milner) , (Smith) , (Barber-Dicey) , (Todd-Orlena) , (Ellison-Green) , (Green-Weaver) , (Henry-Lang) , (Proctor-Adkins) , (Horn-Gentry) , (Milner-Castleberry) , (Barker-Barker) , (Baker) , (Bledsoe-Bledsoe) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Jerry Don {I1361} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Hise-Whitley) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Jerry Wayne {I1421} (b. Private) , (Alford-Eads) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Price-Dunn) , (Kelly-Mills) , (B-B) , (Eads-Susannah) , (Harrod-Mills) , (Gay-Gay) , (Tyler-Tyler) , (Gardiner) , (Tyler-Joan) , (Dunn-Dunham) , (Hickman-Noland) , (Brister-Thomson) , (M.-Flatt) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Hockaday-Mary)
Rose, Jewell Faye {I1193} (b. 13 JUN 1918 - d. 15 DEC 1990) , (Ford-Rose) , (Robinson-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Morris-Ballard) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Barber-Dicey) , (Baker) , (Bledsoe-Bledsoe) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Jimmy Dee Jr. {I1428} (b. Private) , (Alford-Eads) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Price-Dunn) , (Kelly-Mills) , (B-B) , (Eads-Susannah) , (Harrod-Mills) , (Gay-Gay) , (Tyler-Tyler) , (Gardiner) , (Tyler-Joan) , (Dunn-Dunham) , (Hickman-Noland) , (Brister-Thomson) , (M.-Flatt) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Hockaday-Mary)
Rose, John {I1178} , (Abigail-Rose) , (Rose-Wright)
Rose, John {I1019} (b. ABT 1823 - d. 1844) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, John A. {I1100} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Cate-Wilhite) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, John Baldwin {I1074} (b. 1844 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Ensminger-Rose) , (Ensminger-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, John Claude {I1230} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Hise-Whitley) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, John Henry {I1118} (b. 4 APR 1860 - d. APR 1936) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Wright-Nail) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, John Henry {I1181} (b. 8 JAN 1838 - d. 15 MAR 1924) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Morris-Alexander) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, John Wesley {I1124} (b. 1887 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Wright-Nail) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Juanita Lanette {I1293} (b. --Not Shown--) , (Alford-Eads) , (Ford-Rose) , (Hackney-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Price-Dunn) , (Kelly-Mills) , (B-B) , (Eads-Susannah) , (Harrod-Mills) , (Gay-Gay) , (Tyler-Tyler) , (Gardiner) , (Tyler-Joan) , (Dunn-Dunham) , (Hickman-Noland) , (Brister-Thomson) , (M.-Flatt) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Hockaday-Mary)
Rose, Judy {I1365} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Hise-Whitley) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Katricia {I1410} (b. Private) , (Alford-Eads) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Price-Dunn) , (Kelly-Mills) , (B-B) , (Eads-Susannah) , (Harrod-Mills) , (Gay-Gay) , (Tyler-Tyler) , (Gardiner) , (Tyler-Joan) , (Dunn-Dunham) , (Hickman-Noland) , (Brister-Thomson) , (M.-Flatt) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Hockaday-Mary)
Rose, Kisiah {I1066} (b. 1843 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Larry D. {I1360} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Hise-Whitley) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Lena Lee {I1838} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Linda Marvonne {I1219} (b. --Not Shown--) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Morris-Ballard) , (Page-Tomlinson) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Phillips) , (Smith) , (Barber-Dicey) , (Baker) , (Bledsoe-Bledsoe) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Lloyd D. {I1836} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Lucille Josephine {I1839} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Lucinda Emily {I1744} (b. 1 MAY 1861 - d. 18 MAR 1896) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Morris-Alexander) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Luther A. {I1752} (b. ABT 1875 - d. 15 FEB 1920) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Morris-Alexander) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Maranda {I1542} (b. 1850 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Margaret A. {I1223} (b. Private) , (Rose)
Rose, Margret Jane {I1119} (b. 1863 - d. 9 JUL 1888) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Wright-Nail) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Mariah {I1183} (b. ABT 1841 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Morris-Alexander) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Marilda Elizabeth {I1531} (b. 17 FEB 1844 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Teague) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Marsileet {I1078} (b. 1851 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Martha Ann {I1035} (b. 1839 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Cate-Wilhite) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Martha Onnie {I1842} (b. 1873 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Mary {I0380} (b. ABT 1656 - d. AFT 1677) , (Rose-Wright)
Rose, Mary Etta {I1116} (b. 1856 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Wright-Nail) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Mary Frances {I1073} (b. BET 1842 AND 1844) , (Rose)
Rose, Mary Frances {I1085} (b. 1868 - d. 5 JAN 1929) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Morris-Alexander) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Mary Francis {I1539} (b. 1842 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Mary Malvira {I1037} (b. 1842 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Cate-Wilhite) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Mary Parlee {I1057} (b. 25 DEC 1846 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Teague) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Matti ? O. {I1132} , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Melton {I1513} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Morris-Alexander) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Melva {I1640} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Wright-Nail) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Michelle Dawn {I1376} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Blackwell-Patterson) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Hise-Whitley) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Milton {I1026} , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Mittie {I0372} (b. 3 NOV 1885 - d. 24 JAN 1894) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Nancy {I1064} (b. 1837 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Nancy Caroline {I1052} (b. 10 OCT 1838 - d. 20 JAN 1859) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Teague) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Newton {I1080} (b. 1854 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Nora Alice {I1846} (b. 1897 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Ollie Bessie {I1126} (b. 1899 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Wright-Nail) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Ora Pearl {I1122} (b. JAN 1883 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Wright-Nail) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Patrick David {I1377} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Blackwell-Patterson) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Hise-Whitley) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Paul David {I1416} (b. Private) , (Alford-Eads) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Price-Dunn) , (Kelly-Mills) , (B-B) , (Eads-Susannah) , (Harrod-Mills) , (Gay-Gay) , (Tyler-Tyler) , (Gardiner) , (Tyler-Joan) , (Dunn-Dunham) , (Hickman-Noland) , (Brister-Thomson) , (M.-Flatt) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Hockaday-Mary)
Rose, Pryor Lea {I1036} (b. 1840 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Cate-Wilhite) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Rachel Catherine {I1063} (b. 1831 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Reddin George {I1089} (b. 4 OCT 1881 - d. 4 JUL 1959) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Morris-Alexander) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Rhoda {I1175} (b. 1826 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Rhoda {I0361} (b. ABT 1797) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Rhoda {I1062} (b. UNKNOWN - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Rhoda {I5852} , (Weist-Rose)
Rose, Rhoda Ann {I1056} (b. 11 SEP 1845 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Teague) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Richard {I0938} (b. ABT 1692 - d. AFT 1751) , (Rose-Wright) , (Rose-Wright) , (Sowersby-Vinson)
Rose, Richard {I1435} (b. ABT 1668 - d. 26 OCT 1736) , (Rose-Wright)
Rose, Robert Odell {I1226} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Hise-Whitley) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Ruby Louise {I0002} (b. 4 MAR 1912 - d. 8 MAR 1996) , (Alford-Eads) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Price-Dunn) , (Kelly-Mills) , (B-B) , (Eads-Susannah) , (Harrod-Mills) , (Gay-Gay) , (Tyler-Tyler) , (Gardiner) , (Tyler-Joan) , (Dunn-Dunham) , (Hickman-Noland) , (Brister-Thomson) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Hockaday-Mary) , (Johnson-Rose)
Rose, Samuel {I1161} (b. 1840 - d. ABT 1860) , (Ford-Rose) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Elizabeth-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Samuel {I1015} (b. 3 MAR 1824) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Samuel {I1012} (b. ABT 1752 - d. 16 JUL 1837) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Sara {I1120} (b. 1864) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Wright-Nail) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Sarah {I1076} (b. BET 1847 AND 1848 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Sarah Ann Etta {I1840} (b. 9 APR 1864 - d. 8 DEC 1948) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Wright-Nail) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Sarah Caroline {I1045} (b. 1837 - d. ABT 1897) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Cate-Wilhite) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Sarah E. {I1759} (d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Cate-Wilhite) , (Kemmer-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Sinthy {I1070} (b. 1850) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Susanna Amanda {I1039} (b. 1845 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Cate-Wilhite) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Tanya Lynn {I1415} (b. Private) , (Alford-Eads) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Price-Dunn) , (Kelly-Mills) , (B-B) , (Eads-Susannah) , (Harrod-Mills) , (Gay-Gay) , (Tyler-Tyler) , (Gardiner) , (Tyler-Joan) , (Dunn-Dunham) , (Hickman-Noland) , (Brister-Thomson) , (M.-Flatt) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Hockaday-Mary)
Rose, Thomas {I1163} (b. 1847 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Elizabeth-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Thomas {I0020} (b. 1 MAR 1914 - d. 29 AUG 1971) , (Alford-Eads) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Price-Dunn) , (Kelly-Mills) , (B-B) , (Eads-Susannah) , (Harrod-Mills) , (Gay-Gay) , (Tyler-Tyler) , (Gardiner) , (Tyler-Joan) , (Dunn-Dunham) , (Hickman-Noland) , (Brister-Thomson) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Hockaday-Mary)
Rose, Thomas Jefferson {I1032} (b. 1834 - d. AUG 1865) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Cate-Wilhite) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Tommy Lee {I1373} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Hise-Whitley) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Velma Lou {I1228} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Hise-Whitley) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Washington {I1162} (b. 1845 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Elizabeth-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, William {I1439} , (Rose-Wright)
Rose, William {I1746} (b. ABT 1868 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Morris-Alexander) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, William {I1762} (d. 1795) , (Abigail-Rose) , (Rose-Wright) , (Frances-Rose)
Rose, William 1 {I1088} (b. ABT 1622 - d. 10 JUN 1672) , (Rose)
Rose, William Francis {I1034} (b. 1836 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Cate-Wilhite) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, William H. {I2120} (b. 2 OCT 1861 - d. 1931) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, William Harlan {I1155} (b. ABT 1805 - d. 1858) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Elizabeth-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, William Harlan {I1225} (b. Private) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Hise-Whitley) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, William Jasper {I1537} (b. 1838 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, William ll {I1764} (b. ABT 1655 - d. BET 9 APR 1685 AND 1688) , (Rose-Wright)
Rose, William Thomas {I1117} (b. 1858 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Wright-Nail) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Willie {I1044} (b. UNKNOWN - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Cate-Wilhite) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Wilma Joan {I1288} (b. --Not Shown--) , (Alford-Eads) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Gelahar-Rose) , (Richardson-Clark) , (Shoffitt-Davis) , (New-New) , (Price-Dunn) , (Kelly-Mills) , (B-B) , (Eads-Susannah) , (Harrod-Mills) , (Gay-Gay) , (Tyler-Tyler) , (Gardiner) , (Tyler-Joan) , (Dunn-Dunham) , (Hickman-Noland) , (Brister-Thomson) , (M.-Flatt) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Hockaday-Mary)
Rose, Zachariah {I5981} (b. 1838) , (Ford-Rose) , (Ford-Rose) , (Allen-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Elizabeth-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Zachary Thomas {I1058} (b. 24 DEC 1848) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Teague) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rose, Zackariah {I0055} (b. 2 JUL 1809 - d. 30 SEP 1886) , (Ford-Rose) , (Weist-Rose) , (Rhoda-Rose)
Rosenberg, Bertha Rose {I0989} , (Rosenberg-Melowitz)
Rosenberg, Joseph Manuel {I0987} , (Rosenberg-Melowitz)
Rosenberg, Martin {I0988} , (Rosenberg-Melowitz)
Rosenberg, Morris {I0985} (b. UNKNOWN) , (Rosenberg)
Ross, Amanda Kay {I4270} , (Crane-Gardner) , (Wiggins-Bearfoot) , (Musslewhite-Gummage) , (Foster-Foster)
Ross, Donna Racheal {I0455} (b. --Not Shown--) , (Walker-Walker) , (Walker-Duvall) , (Howard-Keith) , (Smith-Hubbs) , (Hubbs-Williams) , (Duvall-Jacob) , (Clark-Davis)
Ross, Mary {I1943} , (King-Ross)
Ross, Robin Anita {I0454} (b. --Not Shown--) , (Walker-Walker) , (Walker-Duvall) , (Howard-Keith) , (Smith-Hubbs) , (Hubbs-Williams) , (Duvall-Jacob) , (Clark-Davis)
Rouse, Jane {I6480} (b. 1840 - d. 1915) , (Rouse)
Rowan, Alice {I5700} , (Cooper-Rowan)
Roy, Lee {I2569} , (Baskin-Jones) , (Barron-Jemima)
Royer, Clarence {I5810} (b. JAN 1898) , (Royer-Miller)
Royer, Gale Leslie {I5811} (b. ABT 1914) , (Royer-Miller)
Royer, John D. {I5800} (b. NOV 1863) , (Royer)
Royer, Velma L. {I5799} (b. 16 OCT 1903 - d. 28 NOV 1966) , (Royer-Miller)
Ruark, De Rinda {I4720} , (Ruark)
Ruby, Eileen {I6055} , (Walker-Walker) , (Walker-Duvall) , (Howard-Keith) , (Duvall-Jacob) , (Baird-Harrel) , (Clark-Davis) , (Shanks-Johnson)
Ruby, Living {I6199} , (Walker-Walker) , (Walker-Duvall) , (Howard-Keith) , (Duvall-Jacob) , (Baird-Harrel) , (Clark-Davis) , (Shanks-Johnson)
Ruby, Living {I6201} , (Walker-Walker) , (Walker-Duvall) , (Howard-Keith) , (Duvall-Jacob) , (Baird-Harrel) , (Clark-Davis) , (Shanks-Johnson)
Ruby, Living {I6200} , (Walker-Walker) , (Walker-Duvall) , (Howard-Keith) , (Duvall-Jacob) , (Baird-Harrel) , (Clark-Davis) , (Shanks-Johnson)
Ruby, Thomas {I6056} , (Walker-Walker) , (Walker-Duvall) , (Howard-Keith) , (Duvall-Jacob) , (Baird-Harrel) , (Clark-Davis) , (Shanks-Johnson)
Ruby, Wanda Jean {I6202} (b. 6 MAR 1943 - d. 21 NOV 1943) , (Walker-Walker) , (Walker-Duvall) , (Howard-Keith) , (Duvall-Jacob) , (Baird-Harrel) , (Clark-Davis) , (Shanks-Johnson)
Ruby, William Henry {I6203} (b. 2 NOV 1948 - d. 2 NOV 1948) , (Walker-Walker) , (Walker-Duvall) , (Howard-Keith) , (Duvall-Jacob) , (Baird-Harrel) , (Clark-Davis) , (Shanks-Johnson)
Rudisill, Catherine {I2728} , (Bair-Rudisill)
Rushing, Jacob Wayne {I2974} , (Musslewhite-Gummage)
Ruskey, Cecelia {I1157} (b. 1907) , (Ruskey)
Russell, Barbara Gail {I4392} , (Crane-Gardner) , (Wiggins-Bearfoot) , (Musslewhite-Gummage)
Russell, Carroll Wayne {I4391} , (Crane-Gardner) , (Wiggins-Bearfoot) , (Musslewhite-Gummage)
Russell, Catherine Mahulda {I0122} (b. ABT 1877 - d. 17 MAR 1919) , (Rouse-Russell)
Russell, Daman Scott {I3600} , (Wiggins-Bearfoot) , (Musslewhite-Gummage)
Russell, Edward Lynn {I3599} , (Wiggins-Bearfoot) , (Musslewhite-Gummage)
Russell, Heather Lynn {I4396} , (Crane-Gardner) , (Wiggins-Bearfoot) , (Musslewhite-Gummage)
Russell, Henry {I6481} (b. 1841 - d. 1910) , (Rouse-Russell)
Russell, Judy Lynn {I4394} , (Crane-Gardner) , (Wiggins-Bearfoot) , (Musslewhite-Gummage)
Russell, Patricia Ann {I4393} , (Crane-Gardner) , (Wiggins-Bearfoot) , (Musslewhite-Gummage)
Rutabelle, {I6205} (b. ABT 1886) , (Shanks-Rutabelle)
Rutar, Monika {I6027} (b. 1860) , (Wagner-Rutar)
Rutherford, Melody Ann {I3005} , (Musslewhite-Gummage)

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